James Reeves
Civic Centre New Orleans
New Orleans, LA USA
"Time is short and there's going to be no magic moment where you're like, 'Now's the time to do it.' No one's going to come to the rescue and say 'That dream you have, we're going to start now.' I spent a lot of time waiting for that to happen. It doesn't happen."
Career Roadmap
James's work combines: Design, Education, and Learning / Being Challenged
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Here's the path I took:
High School
Bachelor's Degree
Graphic Design
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Graduate Degree
Graphic Design
Pratt Institute-Main
Life & Career Milestones
My path in life has been direct
Had no idea what he wanted to do or be, so became a "dilettante," doing whatever he felt like.
Estimates he had 28 jobs-sold Oriental rugs, delivered pizza, taught grad school-but they all make sense "in the rearview mirror."
Says in his grandfather's time, there was a "cohesive storyline," but now, there's not just one track, one career-"everything's up for grabs."
Believes the "get a job, get a family" storyline is "crazy," just a cultural norm that we shouldn't feel pressure to follow.
Used to measure his success by how much others were making, whether or not they were published, but says that just makes you unhappy.
Says if you take a 9-to-5 and work on your passion on your own time, make sure to switch at some point-make your passion your day job.
After his book was published, he realized the act of writing, his own sense of accomplishment in finishing meant more than the success.
Says if you want to work for yourself, you have to just take the jump and do it; no one's going to be there to extend a hand or give you a push.